Monday, October 24, 2011

What Day Is It?

I know the challenge is coming to an end soon, but I started to lose count the past couple of days. I literally had to count my stars to see how many days were left. I am so consumed with yoga yoga yoga it's making me feel like a loser. Not because I think yoga is uncool, on the contrary, I think yoga is the coolest, but because I haven't been doing much else. I've abandoned all my regular outings and hobbies. I went out this Friday night with some co workers and it was a refreshing change of pace. We drank, we danced, we bonded...oh and we got stuck in my elevator. All in all, a really great night.

I am excited for the challenge to end so I can start getting back to the things I miss. I have been planning and scheduling my yoga classes, that it barely leaves time for me to do anything else. Despite the Apple Picking and occasional movie with a friend, I have been a yoga-dork this month, big time. I apologize if I have not contributed to a conversation or if all I do is drone on about the challenge, it has really taken over my life. I promise to be more in tune with current events and my friend's personal lives the second this is over.

Tonight's class will be number 25. I can afford to take a day off, so I will. tomorrow. I love live music and there is a concert tomorrow that I've decided to go to in lieu of my usual evening class. I'm stoked. I miss going to concerts. The Dirty Heads with Gym Class Heroes are playing at Northern Lights tomorrow and I won tickets from EQX. The best radio station of all time. I'm going with mahh gurrrl Ali and her new manfriend. I can't wait to jam.

Tonight after class, pumpkin carving is on the should be hilarious. Slowly but surely I'm getting back to the life I have so much fun living.


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