Friday, September 30, 2011

I'm A Planner.

For those who don't me know too well, I'm a planner. I love itineraries. I love color-coding and making 'To-Do' lists, too. Something about knowing what will come next makes me feel at ease and ready for what's to come. I think I fell in love with Bikram because it is the same sequence every time. I know what I'm in for each time I hit the mat. Regardless, I am planning and preparing for the challenge so that I can succeed.

Preparation is success, so they say. Here are some of my ideas...what can I add, take away? Feedback wanted!

  1. Giving up caffeine. I will start tomorrow as Friday is my "coffee" day.
  2. Cleansing! I've been maintaining about a 70% raw diet for the past couple of months, give or take a few days, but its been giving me lots of energy. I will maintain this plus try harder to incorporate more hydrating, nourishing foods.
  3. Sleep. And lots of it. I battled Lyme's Disease this summer and was out-of-it! I was so thankful to discover the diagnosis and get treated, but it was definitely a blow to my energy and I still feel I am recovering.
  4. Zero, or at least dramatically reduce, my alcohol intake. This will be the hardest feat. If you know me, and my yogis at all, you know we like to have fun. We work hard, yoga hard and play hard. I know for a fact this will affect my practice so therefore I'm scaling it back till Halloween. BIG TIME.
  5. HYDRATING. 'nuff said.
  6. Bikini wax. 'nuff said.
  7. What I feel is most important, scheduling the classes I will take ahead of time. So tonight I am going to sit down and do that.
  8. Lastly, I'ma lighten up, not take this too seriously, I'ma let go of all my expectations and ROCK OUT.
I will never look like this....ever.

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