Friday, October 21, 2011

Gold Stars.

For the past 20 days, my life has literally been ruled by gold stars. Those shimmery, little stickers that come in gold, green, blue, red and silver. The stars we used to love to see in elementary school are now the bane of my existence.

In order to track the progress of the challenge, my friend Jen has made a poster board sized chart with 30 columns and rows for each Challenger. Each day we practice we get a star, each day we miss, we don't. There is a separate column for when we complete a double. 
@#$% expletive! *&@#&

As of yesterday, I have 21 stars. Yesterday I took a "mental health" day from work. I was feeling run down and my body wanted to sleep past 6am. I was able to do all my laundry, clean my apartment and go to yoga early. I went out for lunch with my friends too, which I always miss working down in Albany. I had plans to go to an afternoon Vinyasa class too because I miss it so much, I took Lisa's Hour Baron Baptise class and felt so good. Her playlist was great and it was a welcomed variation and needed balance, especially because my hips have been bothering me.

After class I stayed to write my blog and while I was finishing up Cindy came into the studio asking if I was going to stay for the evening Bikram class.

Cindy: So you're staying for Bikram right?
Me: No, I'll die.
Cindy: Noooo, you'll be fine and then that's another double!
Me: Ah...idk, I can't.
Cindy: I'm putting your star up so now you have no choice, you have to stay. Oh look, there it is...can't take it off now.
Me: Ok I'll stay if a cute boy comes to class.
(enter cute older man...)
Cindy: Welp, there's your answer.
Me:  (turning to Sally) Ahhh she's wants me to stay! That will be 4 hours of yoga today, that is INSANE.
Sally: Nahhh, you got this, just stay. C'monnn.

So with the encouragement/persuasion/force of Cindy and Sally I stayed. I also stayed because 2 other Challenger's Sara and Kathleen came back for a double too! I can't believe it. I did a freakin' triple yesterday. Now, I know I'm crazy, but I didn't think I was that crazy. I finished though. While I didn't push to hard in the 2nd Bikram class, I still did it.

I went home chugged a protein shake so my muscles wouldn't hate me that much in the morning and went directly to the couch. Only to be persuaded out to dinner. 3 classes in one day deserves dinner out. I was in bed at 10:30, texting Sally that I was afraid to fall asleep because of how fearful I was for the morning and how sore I will be. Surprisingly, I'm not feeling awful. I had planned on taking today off, but I"m gonna go to this evenings class. For one, I want to be there for the Challenger's and two I plan to make Gold Stars my bitch, instead of the other way around. BOO YEA.

Class #22 (awww yea) tonight!

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