Monday, October 3, 2011

A Little Thing I Like To Call Collective Energy...

If you didn't know what collective energy was, and you took this evenings 5:30pm class, you do now.
Today was the third day of the challenge and class was packed with 39 people however that is not as crowded as it can get. So we're in for it, yogis. Regardless of numbers, there is something about a packed class where you work harder to keep the person next to you going and vice-versa. There were quite a few people in the room tonight in their first class and it made me think back to mine. I must give credit when it's due, the first timers there tonight KILLED IT. Not one left the room, and they barely sat down. Seeing them work hard made me push a little harder. I felt I needed to bust it out to not only show them that despite the heat you still gotta work it out, but also to show them the correct postures....if I was even doing them correctly at that point. IT WAS HOT.

After class, I was talking with my friend Chris. He said he came tonight because he knew we'd all be there and that's when I thought, "We need to commit to each other. That collective energy needs to transpire outside the room. We need to make it to each class for each other." I know I depend on my yoga community to be there when I get there, so I'm gonna be there for them.

On a related note, my good friend Tucker started his yoga journey today. It was really cool to know that he is also part of this collective energy on this particular day. Granted he wasn't at the same class, but eventually he wants to get in the heat and I'm stoked for the day we can practice together.

With that all said, despite wanting to throw in the towel, I didn't. I like to keep in the back of my mind the after-effects of what Bikram offers, but today I did it for my yogis, my PEEPS yo. LOVE YOU GUYS!

Lastly, I apologize if this makes no sense, I have full blown yoga brain and I'm about to dive into a delicious dinner with friends.

27 to go.

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