Monday, October 3, 2011

A Letter to the Challengers!

I thought it was important to share this personal note from Cindy regarding the next 30 days. It also reiterates the rules of the challenge, which I realized, after scheduling the classes for the month, I will need to double up one day because there is one day I will miss. After talking with another yogi I plan to double up sooner than later, since I have lots of energy now. I will do my double day on October 10th, a Monday because I have off from work for Columbus Day!

Hey 30 Day Challengers,

Just wanted to say congratulations for making the commitment to yourself, your yoga practice and to The Grace Fund. I wanted you all to be aware of the FB page created just for the challenge in the event you have things to say or inquire about regarding the challenge. It's a space for you all to support one another along the way. If you have good fundraising ideas, post them there. If you're having a rough patch, express is there (because I'm sure there is someone else who will be feeling similarly). If you're sailing through, let others know what you're doing right. I really hope this is a great and profound experience for everybody. Regardless, you will all learn some things about yourself along that way that will help you grown in new ways. When all else fails, think about the money you're raising and the people you will be helping with your efforts. And if all all else fails, think about the party at the end!

To find and like the FB page, search for Hot Yoga Saratoga Bikram 30 Day Challenge and Yoga-Thon for the Grace Fund.

As Leona so kindly pointed out to me, I promised some 1130 am classes if more than 20 people signed up. We hit the 20+ mark so I will be having 1130am classes on Tuesdays and Thursdays for the month of October (only!) in the event that helps you all out. I will be sending an email and FB message to that effect so other students are also aware.

As for raising money for The Grace Fund, there is no minimum or maximum expected, although there will be a prize for the most money raised. Since you've made this commitment, I really encourage you all to raise as much money as possible. It will make the collective effort all the more special. Just ask friends, family, coworkers, other yogis/yoginis, etc. to sponsor you for each class that you do. They can give cash or checks made to the Grace Fund.
Lastly, just to reiterate, the rules are as follows:

2 Barkan classes can be completed in lieu of 2 Bikram classes
1 Bikram Yoga Express can be completed
2 doubles can be completed to make up for 2 missed days

Best of Luck!!!

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