Sunday, October 2, 2011


I'm currently reading a book called The Happiness Project by Gretchen Rubin. I stumbled upon it when I was looking for another book and thought I'd give it a shot. I work with individuals with disabilities and if the book was something that could be useful to myself, as well as my clients I figured it worth the investment. Turns out, this book was the best $14.99 I've ever spent.

The book accounts the authors adventures during the 12 months she spent test driving the wisdom of the ages, current scientific research and lessons from popular culture about how to be happier. I could go on and on about the enlightening truths she has accounted for but instead I'll suggest you read the book yourself, or check out her blog.

Part of the chapter that I was reading last night I found really useful and applied it to the challenge. Chapter 9 is about pursuing a passion. Rubin states whatever your passion might be, happiness research predicts that making time for a passion and treating it as a real priority instead of an "extra" to be fitted in at a free moment will be a tremendous happiness boost!

The lady speaks the truth! Ever since I started Bikram I have made sure to adjust my schedule to make it part of my routine. It's not an activity that you can last minute decide to go to if you have an extra 30 minutes in your day, because it is essentially a 2 hour commitment including commute time. Luckily the studio I practice at is walking distance, however some of the yogis at HYS travel up to 30 minutes to get there! I know, you may be thinking, "WHAT? she spends 2 hours a day, 5 days a week doing yoga?"... Well I do, and I wouldn't change it for the world. I have learned to stop measuring myself against some irrelevant standard of efficiency, but instead participating in an activity that brings a smile to my face and a balance to my life.

So I sat down last night, marked my calender with the time of the class I would take each day. I dug out my blue Sharpie Marker and was able to cross off day 1! It felt gooood! I'm fitting in my passion for a great cause and for a hopeful personal outcome. I dig it!

Jam packed October!

Today class is at 4pm. Another silent, led by another practitioner. This morning I took an hour Vinyasa Flow Class because I felt good when I woke up. I had some extra energy to devote to another form of yoga. I didn't push too hard as I'm devoting my full energy to Bikram this month, but I love me some Chaturangas!

Happiest of Sundays, Namaste!

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