Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Monday, October 31, 2011


Today is the last day of the Challenge! Since there are 31 days in October people have an extra day to make up any classes they have missed, I'm super thankful for this because I missed yesterday. I had SO much fun Saturday night, so much fun that there was no way possible I could have made it to yoga...BUT...that's the price ya gotta pay when you're a bad-ass-motha-trucka, for reals.

My Avatar costume was pretty awesome and if I could dress up like Neytiri everyday I freakin' would! I got my drunk on, I got my dance on and most importantly I partied with my friends because that's what you do on Halloween.

I can sum up the Challenge in 3 words..."Hard-working. Alpha male. Jackhammer. Merciless. Insatiable.." ...oh wait, that's Dwight Schrute...so the Challenge at HYS...

            1) Community - It brought together yogis and yoginis to sweat together, laugh together and get 'r done together!
            2) Brave - We had no idea, or at least personally speaking, I had no idea what each class would bring. One day I felt amazing, the next like poop, but I was brave enough to come back and keep coming back until the end.
            3) Dedication - 2 hours (more for others) a day for 30 days. 'Nuff said.

Thank you for all your positive feedback, donations, following my bloggity-blog and words of WISDOM throughout the past 30 days/classes. I raised just about $400! To all the Challengers, you guys FREAKIN' ROCK MY WORLD!
                                                            WE DID IT!!!

I leave for Iceland in less than a week and I'm stoked to have this Challenge behind me to use a source of strength and confidence for future risks and undertakings! I even decided to look up Hot Yoga in Iceland and found a studio!! http://www.glow.is/ It's Barkan Method Studio, which I dig and hope to take a class while I'm there if it fits into all my plans!

Thanks again, everyone! <3

Saturday, October 29, 2011



About to lead the last Silent Class of the Challenge. I have a Haloweenie/energetic play-list to get in the party mood because tonight is one of three nights I look forward to every year. I absolutely love Halloween. If I could dress up every day I would. I love seeing all the creative costumes and also being able to be someone I'm not for a night...or a whole weekend. Although it is tough to beat my costume last year, which was Roller Girl, this year I am being an AVATAR!

This movie came out right before I ran my marathon and I found I found it super inspiring. I also totally dig the costume and can't wait to run around town pretending I'm in PANDORA.

Hope everyone has a safe and FUN Halloween and if I'm lucky I'll bump into you down town!!

Friday, October 28, 2011

Girl, This Is Thriller...

Darkness falls across the land, the midnight hour is close at hand...

Things I am excited for:

1) Halloween and dressing up!
2) Hearing Thriller over and over, and watching young MJ dance his pants of in the video. (YouTube link above)
3) The Challenge to be over.

My massage helped last night and I had a good class. I still backed off during some postures because I felt some discomfort. I feel a little sore this morning, but I predict my neck won't be 100% until I can take some days off. Class number 28 tonight!

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Are We There Yet?

I'm seriously sick of shaving my arm pits and legs. I have had enough of this. I think I will pass out after Monday's class---that is a warning to all instructors. ;)

This was an email I received this morning from a fellow challenger and a woman I practiced next to last Friday. She is the woman. Her practice is focused, strong yet relaxed. She is also hilarious.

My neck is still bothering me so I scheduled a 30 minute massage with Dan Wahl, from Centered Massaged who works at One Yoga Saratoga. While I would usually go to my friend, Nick at Body Works Professionals, he and his staff are AMAZING, I am lacking time. Dan is also amazing and worked on me when I was having back/leg problems...which turned out to be the Lyme's. I'm going tonight before class, fingers crossed it alleviates the discomfort.

My Current Favorite Blog

As you have surmised by now, I like to have fun. I like my red wine with a side of dancing. If I could, I'd go out every night, but alas my body always wins and I keep the party nights during the week at bay.
Recently, after hearing Lady Gaga's new song "You and I," I discovered who Luc Carl was. I had no idea the song had any meaning to Gag's, but apparently it's about Luc. They were in love, it didn't work, then it did work...then, oh wait, it didn't again and now she is going to continue the chase and probably make more songs about it. Lame. BUT, I dig the song. I also dig Luc. I did some Internet exploration on him and came to find he is a marathon runner/beer drinker/music lovin' extraordinaire.

I have been following his blog, drunkdiet.com, for about a month now and it's hilarious and very realistic. He is also coming out with a book about his two passions, health and partying. In his words, The Drunk Diet is a memoir of his trials and tribulations to get into shape while partying every night. Laugh and be inspired while he takes you on his hilarious conquest to become the sexiest man on earth.

Winning. Big time. While it may seem he is only targeting a specific demographic, his efforts about his marathon running are super helpful and from those tips stem helpful nuggets of info about food, motivation and positivity.

To close I'll leave you with an excerpt from his most recent blog post, "It's A Celebration." 

I like to party so much that each and every day must be filled with celebration. Is it that we’re celebrating accomplishment, or is it that the accomplishment is yet another reason to participate in strong drink?Either way, I make sure that there is a victory in my life every day so that I’ve earned the right to celebrate. Won’t you join me?

So flippin' true! This life is GREAT we gotta CELEBRATE. (Yes, I just rhymed, clearly The Dirty Heads really inspired me to start free stylin') What am I celebrating? I am on day 27 of 30. I have class tonight, tomorrow, Saturday and Sunday and then I'm DONE.

Where am I celebrating tonight after yoga? Putnam Den. John Brown's Body, a reggae/future roots/dub group is performing. Boom.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Yoga and Love.

I must confess. I fall in love at least once everyday. I am not sure what comes over me, but it happens and when I see someone new and feel that pitter-patter in my heart, I immediately start to envision our lives together.

 For instance, the other day I was pumping gas and I look over my shoulder towards the street where there is an attractive man waiting for the bus. I started to picture our environmentally friendly life together full of bus rides, farmer's markets and camping/hiking trips in the ADKs. I did not think that this man may be taking the bus because he is unemployed or because he may have a DUI and no license...it couldn't be true, he was perfect.

I have an even bigger struggle with musicians. You could throw a guitar on a homeless guy who just peed himself and I'd somehow find a silver lining...OK maybe that's a stretch BUT it's bad and it happens at every concert I go to! There is something about a man with musical talent that makes-me-swoon. Last night I went to the Dirty Heads concert. I was stoked because I dig the couple of songs I've heard of theirs and was excited to hear more. I didn't do research on them beforehand, so going into the show I literally had no idea what the band looked like.
When they sauntered out on stage, the 2 lead vocals had beautiful (dirty) long hair, one wearing a flat brimmed hat, the other donning a full tattoo sleeve and an over sized ski hat. These California natives had me at "YOOOO WHAT UP CLIFTON PARK?"

Their performance was killer and their back story is even better. Duddy B and Dirty J (I know, such romantic names, right?) met at a party in high school (adorable). The two began writing hip-hop songs with reggae and punk influences in their garage (swoon).  The band’s name comes from an occasion where the two were stealing a 12-pack of beer, and someone shouted at them, “Come here you little dirty heads!” It doesn't get much cuter than that, I mean really, musicians that steal beer? Call me cliche, but I fell even harder. However, if 2 non-musicians were to do that it would be a huge turn off, so yes I am bias.

Hello, lovers.
Anyway, what does this have to do with yoga you ask? Here's my logic, if I can do the 30 Day Challenge, I feel I can do anything. Meaning, I can find that emotionally committed, willing to let me travel with the band, liberal, hippie, musician...preferably with a beard and have a beautiful life with him. AND possibly he will love yoga too...and then we can have musically talented, yoga loving babies together and live happily ever after. I'm just sayin'....anything feels possibly after the past 25 days.

Class #26 tonight, I am supposed to lead Silent but that is up in the air as my neck is still feeling jacked up. I have my Tiger Balm patches (thanks Susan) and CVS brand heatwrap at my office today. My coworkers will probably be pissed at the Tiger Balm odor, but oh well, a girls gotta take care of #1.
